a path to the best you

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much is the initial visit?

$130 which includes the doctor visit, lab work, one month of medication, and one injection.

2. What kinds of payment options do you offer?

We can accept payments from Health Savings Accounts (HSA). We also offer paperwork that you can submit to your insurance for any reimbursement opportunities.

3. Do you close for lunch?

No. We work through lunch.

4. I do not want to take the appetite suppressant. Can I do the Lipo injections only?

Yes. We will still do an annual visit and lab work, but you can do injections only either in the office or at home.

5. Can I get more than one month of medication?

For the initial visit, we only allow patients to take one month of medication. When patients come back after the first month, you can take up to three months of medication and injections. We do want to see patients in person at least every 90 days to get an accurate weight and blood pressure. We also just want to check in with each patient so that we can make sure you are doing well and that the program is working for you.

6. Can you mail medication?

Yes, as long as your annual is current we can mail medication. We cannot mail medication after the initial visit, patients must come in one month after the first visit then they can have it mailed. We can also mail Lipo injections.

7. Is there a common amount of weight that I will lose each month?

Weight loss is completely patient-dependent. We provide a diet and exercise plan to our patients that, along with the appetite suppressants and injections, will help with weight loss, but there is not a “number” that is common amongst patients. You’ve got to work the plan for it to work for you.

8. Can I just walk in for an appointment?

To be able to see the doctor, you will have to make an appointment. If you are just needing a refill on medication or would like to get a shot, you can just walk in. Our doctors are only here at certain times during the day and there is paperwork that has to be filled out online prior to your scheduled appointment.

9. Are there any discounts?

There are some times throughout the year that we might run a special on appointments but we do not have those scheduled. When our clinics are running any type of special, they will be posted on our Facebook pages.